Friday, August 19, 2011

WYD in 17103 - Part 11 - A Routine Day and Three Sleeps to Go

The boys got home from the Phillies game at 1:15 this morning. Thought I'd be Super Dad by letting Seth sleep in. I got up and went to walk Duke-the-dog. That's two times in a row for those keeping score at home. So after completing my dog duties I went to Mickey D's for my senior coffee. A stop for donuts and then back home to wait for Seth to get up. Surprise, surprise, surprise! Seth is up and greets me with, "Where were you?"

So we eat breakfast, read the paper and did two loads of wash. Then it was off to continue the yard cleanup I started yesterday. Cut, drag, load and its off to the dump. After dropping Seth off at home I went to the farmers market for fresh corn, followed by a stop at the bank.

Then the August thunderstorms rolled in. At 5 o'clock I went to the flea market. Dropped off five bags brought home one.

Because I stopped for pizza on the way home I missed Ann's call. I have been concerned because the daytime temps have been close to 100-degrees each day. Tomorrow they have to hike 8-miles to where the closing Mass will take place. Ann did assuage my fears when she called back by telling me they could get within two miles by taking the Metro. This then became a problem because both Becca and Micah have been minding the crush of the crowds, especially in the Metro. Just like their dad does. Prayer is answered because Ann figured out that the three of them would go on the Metro hours before everyone else and be there early. Since she has a special pass and not because she is related to me, even though she could mention my name if need be, she can get on the grounds early. This will all work out for them, I know.

Friday night, Saturday night, the Sunday night. Three sleeps until the day comes when they will be returned to us here in 17103. - DD

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