Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Dan You Have Cancer: An Exclusive Club

An unexpected blessing of cancer is the exclusive club to which it grants you a life time membership. Being a guy who loves sports I always love to see the comradery placed on display between elected members of the baseball hall of fame, the pro football hall of fame, the regathering of any team that won a championship or current and passed recipients of the Heisman Trophy. All the aforementioned have a shared common experience. No one outside that circle can ever broach the perimeter in order to join. Membership is exclusive. It's a brotherhood. It's a sisterhood. It's special.

So why is being in the exclusive club of cancer patients so special? Why is it a blessing?

Membership in this club has given me the ability to do some things I would never have been able to do otherwise. Recently my pool physical therapist was asking me about my particular health situation. After hearing my story she commented that she found it had to believe that I showed up for each session with such a positive attitude. That opened the door for me to explain how I chose to deal with cancer. I told her if I showed up mad at the world with my chin scraping the ground, singing "Woe is Me", and acting like I didn't want to be there or living as far as that goes, I would pull her down with me. My bad day, bad life, bad attitude would have an affect on her as she was trying to increase my quality of life. She loses. I lose. Most of all it would effect how she deals with the next patient, probably lessening their experience, stealing their joy and possibly worsening their day. I have no desire to be part and party to any of that. So, I chose to approach each day, each activity, each meeting with others upbeat and positive. I need those around me to be positive. I need those around me to be smiling. I need those around me to be in the best spirit possible. For them and selfishly for me. 

The past several days have been a roller coaster ride of emotions for me. I had to skip my most recent infusion of immunotherapy because of bad liver functions. Downer. Then I got blood work results showed that I had a vastly improved A1C. Upper, this even prompted a congratulatory phone message from my family practitioner. Then Ann final got a chance to speak with a friend whose husband was diagnosed with cancer in March. Treatment was started but abruptly stopped. He was told there was nothing they could do for him, sent him home with about four weeks to live. He passed in four days. Downer. Then just last evening we were informed that another friend of ours had been diagnosed with kidney cancer that has metastasized. Double downer. This particular friend is part of the prayer warriors who have been lifting me up, taking my needs into the throne room of Heaven. The cancer club is not only growing, it is getting closer to home.

So where's "the special", where's "the blessing". I hope to be able to share my experiences with these friends to lighten their load. That will be special.  I want to let them know that they are not alone on their journey. I will let them know that Jesus will be there for them as He was, as He is for me. The blessing will be when I share the truth that God will hear their prays and the prayers offered by others. Blessings will continue when they realize that they are not alone. Others like myself are on the same path as they. The greatest blessing is that God loves them so much that He took on the form of a human to live in our world to better understand what we go through. God is listening. Pour your heart out to Him. Be still, be quiet and listen for His voice. By the way, one needn't have cancer to do those last several things. 

Jesus, thank you for the friends that have helped carry my burdens. Thank you for hearing their petitions and responding to them. Help me now be able to carry you love, your light to their lives. Bless them. Let them feel your presence in unmistakable ways. Amen  - Dan

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